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Gourmet Evenings
‏‏‎ ‎- 2/09/2023

Like every year, the Château welcomes the Confréries Ardennaises for their traditional gourmet evenings.

Come and discover chefs and their local dishes. A perfect opportunity to learn a little more about local gastronomy and those who represent it.

The menu consists of 8 stages ranging from aperitif to dessert, all accompanied by a food and wine pairing. Each step is located on a part of the visit route. The evening will end in the Salle des Ducs de Bouillon with champagne and the jazz band Croqu’Noires.

Find the menu!

3 departures are offered per evening: 7 p.m., 7:45 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Book your visit now.

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